farm house in rural setting


Viasat is available in 48 states

Learn about satellite internet near you and find Viasat plans in your area.

map of the united states

Viasat availability in the US—and beyond

Finding satellite internet near you has never been easier.

Viasat serves almost every town and city in the continental United States, bringing sophisticated high-speed internet availability to homes that previously had nothing but dial-up or slow DSL. If you don’t live near a cable hub, Viasat satellite internet can bring you the competitive download speeds no other service can.

Dedicated to expanding internet availability around the world, Viasat also serves homes and businesses in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, not to mention airlines that travel as far as Europe. If you can’t find Viasat internet near you yet, hang in there, and check back. Viasat regularly adds new areas.

Learn more about Viasat

Woman lying on couch while talking on phone

Included with Viasat plans in my area

Viasat availability brings high-volume internet connectivity with the following features to your home.

Unlimited data

In most areas, Viasat satellite internet service comes with unlimited data and no overage fees.

Viasat Wi-Fi

Get reliable internet access throughout your house with Viasat Wi-Fi built into every modem.

Speeds up to 100 Mbps

In many areas, Viasat internet availability includes plans with download speeds as fast as cable.